For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:13-14


Thank You

To everyone who has left us a Facebook message, delivered a meal, said a prayer, given us a hug, or shown us love in some way...

Thank you.

While we may not reply to every note or message we receive, we need your support and covet your prayers. God is hearing them and has been faithful in helping us survive each day. Know that we have been comforted and overwhelmed (in a good way) by your love.


  1. Couldn't sleep tonight, and decided maybe God wanted me to get up and pray for you guys. I pray that you are all resting well and enjoyed a good day with family yesterday celebrating Ben's birthday. Love you!

    Mom Bender

  2. Dear Westfall Family,
    I am reading your whole blog for the first time tonite. Please note:
    You have my heartfelt prayers, concern, time and fasting. I am so so sorry you are going through this. So much to think about at once.

    Dear Father,
    You are mighty and you know everything Sarah and Ben are going through. Jesus please touch them, let them have peace and rest. Let them find joy in this storm some how so way. God my heart is full of hope that you have given me. Touch Carter . Every bone, nerve and fiber Lord, I pray for healing, I pray for an evident the same time I pray for your will and that peace and favor will be with the Westfalls at this very moment.


    Love Mindy
