For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:13-14


How you can be praying...

While I'm sure our prayer needs will change from time to time, here are some specific ways in which Ben, Cohen, Carter, & I ask for your prayers:
  • Strength for each day. Being emotionally and physically worn out seem to come hand in hand, especially when we are still chasing after a toddler and trying to keep up with other areas of life.
  • Grace for ourselves & as we interact with others. Ben and I have a phrase that we keep saying to each other - "Stop 'shoulding' yourself." In other words, stop using the word should in reference to how we feel, think, or react. There's no guidebook on how to react in this situation, and we need to exercise a little grace with ourselves. Also, we need grace to extend to others, especially when we have to tell them about Carter or when our emotions are raw. We are so grateful for the support of others that we cannot fault them if they do not know exactly what to say or do around us. I'm not sure we would know either, if we were on the other end.
  • Wisdom. We can't stop parenting Cohen just because we are in a difficult situation. We need parenting wisdom to keep at it with our 16-month-old. Plus, we are making some pretty major decisions for our family and for Carter after he is born. There are a lot of things to think about, and we want to make sure these decisions bring honor to God and to Carter.
  • Miracles. While I honestly have a hard time allowing myself to hope, I know I would be overlooking the power of the God I love if I did not at least ask for Carter's complete healing. We aren't naive to Carter's condition, but how can we not ask? Perhaps you all have a bit more faith than I do at this point and can ask better than I can for such a miracle. But in the same vein, please also pray that we would find peace & comfort in knowing that God may not redeem this situation like we would want, but that He will redeem it.
These are the major prayer concerns we face on a daily basis. Some days more than others, as we allow ourselves to experience the pains and joys that come each day. Believe it or not, we actually do have some relatively "normal" days, and this is good. God uses Cohen a lot to help keep us grounded.

So thank you for your continued prayers. I know God may give you even more wisdom to know how to pray, and I am so grateful for it.


  1. Sarah, thank you for posting these specifics prayer request. I know for many of us its helpful to know how to specifically pray for your family. I also know that there is not a day that goes for many of us that we pray for you many times a day. Thanks for making this blog to record Carter's little life. We love you all so much!

  2. I second what Vickie said!

  3. sarah I am so sorry, I didn't hear. Please know that I will be praying for you over the next few months...praying, praying, praying...

  4. Andrea Morris1/11/2011 10:08 PM

    I cannot even imagine what your family is going through. A member of my family is also going through a rough situation with a child and they have held on to this promise: "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14 I will be praying for you all.

  5. Sarah, I know that you do not know me- but wanted you to know that I (along with my women's bible study group) will be praying for you and your family throughout your pregnancy and after. Take heart in knowing that God NEVER makes mistakes and will carry your family through this experience. He is an AMAZING God and has an AMAZING plan. Stand firm in your faith- he WILL take care of you!
    Phil 4:13 I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.

    Drew Jourdan
