I am not a medical person. However, both Ben and I have found that talking factually about Carter's lack of kidneys as well as what we can expect during and after labor/delivery has been helpful. While we cannot be fully prepared for Carter's delivery and the days to follow, knowing some of these medical things have given us some strength to face what's ahead. However, I'd be remiss to think Ben and I were the only ones with questions about Carter's medical state.
While I can explain in part Carter's condition - called renal agenesis - I think I better let the experts do the bulk of the work for you. Hopefully this
link about renal agenesis can clear up some questions people have.
This information comes from the March of Dimes website and seems to be pretty straightforward. Hope it helps.
Sarah, My heart breaks for you. You are one of the most beautiful pregnant women I have ever known. I know so many people have offered to help, and you dont know me extremely well, but i have been through this will my little brother Andrew. If I can help in any way please let me know. God be with you, and your family. Jesus will see you though, it seems dark now, if you need light just look at Cohen.
Melinda Trusty