For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:13-14


And You Thought March Was Mad...

On August 1, our family hit the ground running it seemed. That day was my first day of employment as a Resident Director at Anderson University. And for anyone who has been around colleges in the month of August know how crazy things can get.

Retreats, Training, Staff Meetings, Dinners In, Dinners Out. It's all been a fast and furious, but such a blast. I have to admit that I am loving it here at AU. The other day I was telling Ben that even though I'm pretty exhausted at the end of each day that it doesn't really "feel like work." I think that's a good thing.

Cohen seems to be adjusting really well too. Perhaps a little too well. He already knows his way through the dorm and around campus. He's made friends with the squirrels of "the Valley" and even shoved his McQueen matchbox car into an unreachable spot in a post on campus. Plus, he has his eye on the neighbors' little girl (even giving her a quick peck upon their first meeting). I can only imagine his joy once he discovers that the dorm is now filled with new friends.

I am so grateful to be in this new position and new stage of our journey. Everyone has been so supportive and encouraging, allowing me to share and cry about our loss of Carter. We are beginning to feel at home here.

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