For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:13-14


Change is in the Air (Or is that Dust?)

The Westfall family is excited to report that this spring has brought some exciting new developments to our lives. I've been doing some spring cleaning, both literally and figuratively, and things are starting to look quite sparkly.

As you may or may not know, I have been working on my masters in Student Development Counseling and Administration from IWU. In short, I want to work with students in higher ed, and this degree is a step in that direction. Also, ever since my residence life experience in college, I have wanted to be a resident director at a Christian college.

Today is that day!

I have accepted the position as Resident Director for Morrison Hall at Anderson University.

While this decision may seem out of the blue for many (especially in light of the major life change we experienced with Carter this winter), I want you to know this career move was actually in the plan all along. We just weren't broadcasting it and were planning to go after it with two kids in tow. And through our experience with Carter, we believe it is even more vital to go after this dream job I have wanted since college. "Now" is the time.

So...we are in the process of putting our house on the market (any buyers?), packing, sorting for garage sale, and getting ready to move into our new RD apartment in Morrison Hall. I am so excited!

Although we will be living in Anderson, Ben will still be working at College Wesleyan Church, and Cohen and I will be there too as normal. We will just have a bit longer commute than our mile drive right now.

I just wanted to share with you our good news...just another step of faith that reminds us of God's grace and goodness to us in all things.


  1. Wow. Congratulations! How exciting for you and your family!

  2. Congratulations!! I love that you will be that beloved family at the end of the hall for so many new AU students! :)

  3. Monica Shaeffer6/15/2011 3:11 PM

    Well small world... That was my freshman dormitory, fourth floor. Hopefully they have changed the four woman rooms up there otherwise you will be dealing with a lot of drama that comes from putting that many females in a room!!! Congrats to you. AU was an amazing place to live.

  4. That sounds like such a good fit for you Sarah. I'm glad we will still see you around at CWC!

  5. That is so exciting! We've been praying about very similiar things for a long while too! Best of luck! We'd love to get with you guys sometime!!!
