For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:13-14


In labor

This post will be short as we are in the hospital and time is coming closer to meet Carter. My water broke early this morning and we have been slowly progressing all day.

Please pray that labor will continue to progress and that Carter continues to handle it well. We just want some time with our little boy.

Please pray also for family members who are traveling in adverse winter weather conditions in order to get here. Most of our family is here. Between family and our church family, we are being well taken care of.

While taken off guard, we feel God's timing is perfect, but just need His grace and strength to do what's next.

Thanks to everyone for caring and for supporting us. You are much appreciated.


  1. Hi Sarah and Family - WE ARE PRAYING!!!!!! If any of your family needs a place to stay, we have extra space. FYI. Love to you all!

  2. Lots of praying happening for your family! May God's peace wash over you during this time.

  3. Praying for you right now
    ~Abby VandenBosch

  4. Praying much. May you feel HIs peace and strength!

  5. PRAYING!! Please keep us posted!

  6. Praying for you now.

  7. we have an extra room if your family needs a place... and we are close! :-)
    we are praying for you. may God wrap His loving arms around you.

  8. I've been praying for you and asking God to give me a portion of your grief. So thankful for the Body of Christ that's surrounding you and yours today. You are dearly loved, and our hearts are breaking with yours as you share the moments our Creator ordains.

  9. We continue to pray....

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Praying for you. I have no words of deep comfort...just we love you guys.

  12. Praying for strength for you and your family. I admire your courage so much!

    The Tonagel Family

  13. Praying for your entire family. May God wrap you in His comfort.

  14. Praying for you and all your family, with much love.

    Anne Bainbridge

  15. Ben and Sarah and Cohen and precious Carter:

    We are praying with you...Clif and Julie Davis

  16. praying for you and your little one

  17. dear Westfalls, carrying you to Jesus in prayer

  18. We are praying as well. Praying that you will feel God's presence and peace and for a smooth labor and delivery.

  19. Praying for God's hand on Carter's little life... for a safe delivery and blessed moments.

  20. Sometimes there are no words... Just know that we are praying for all of you, that you will feel God's love and draw from his strength. So glad you get to meet Carter soon.

  21. Hey it's Laura, Sherry's daughter. I have been crying out to the Lord on behalf of your family today. Many of my prayer-warrior friends from all over the country have been lifting you up too...some of these friends have experieced great loss, others have seen God miraculously heal their children, but all are trusting God's loving hand for your family. I know His peace and presence are there with you in this very moment!

  22. We are praying for all of you so much!

  23. Traci Munday2/01/2011 11:04 PM

    Praying for you all! Love you guys!

  24. Natalie Jewell Neiswender2/01/2011 11:18 PM

    Just wanted to say I love you, friend.
    Praying for you, your amazing family, and your sweet boy.

  25. Lauren Workman2/01/2011 11:37 PM

    Praying for you, Sarah! Your entire family is being lifted before the throne of our God who knows, sees, and understands. May His love, peace, and ever-surpassing comfort surround you all.

  26. Hi-
    We are friends of the Toevs. By God's mercy you are incredibly courageous to be in this place right now. May the LORD lift you up and keep you with His perfect peace as your minds are stayed on Him. We are moved by your burden and will continue to pray for your healing after you say your goodbyes to your babe. How precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints...Psalm 116:15. Sweet baby Carter.....

    Matt and Jen Franklin

  27. Praying for you in California.....

    Have you heard of Angie Smith, wife of Todd, singer of the group Selah? They gave birth to their little blessing, Audrey, under almost the exact same circumstances. Angie later wrote a book about their experience called "I Will Carry You: The Sacred Dance of Grief and Joy." Perhaps it will help to link with someone who was in your situation? You can also find her at her story at her blog at.

    Thinking and praying for you during this time of joy and sorrow.....Elle

  28. We do not know you, but wanted you to know that some people in New York have committed to pray with you through this most difficult time. God is a God of peace and love and I pray right now that he is pouring great measure of His peace and love on you today.
    NAHUM 1:7 NKJ
    7 The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him

  29. Praying for you during this time! love the Bowmans

  30. The Rogers Family2/02/2011 7:24 AM

    Praying for you! I know nothing can really make things better, but please know that compassion goes out to you and many prayers! It makes me think of how precious life really is

  31. Praying for you!!!!!!!

  32. Meagan Parsley2/02/2011 10:23 AM

    I'm praying for You guys! You are on my heart.

  33. Praying for you today and for all that it holds. Enjoy each special moment with your precious son! Praying you feel strength in the Everlasting Arms wrapped around you today!

  34. The Placencias are taking this to Jesus and asking Him to carry you all as only He can. God bless you in this time together as a family to trust in our creator.

  35. Ben & Sarah - my heart goes out to you and your family. May you find peace and comfort and hope in God's presence and grace. You are loved.

  36. Thoughts and prayers from two fellow IWU grads. May God show you His love, comfort, and peace in this time!

  37. God's comfort, grace and peace to your family in these darkest hours... as well as healing over your body.

  38. Jerry and Carol Bullock2/02/2011 6:07 PM

    Ben and Sarah, we have been praying for you guys and will continue to do so.

  39. I'm praying for you, and will keep praying for peace and comfort. -- Sterling (a friend of Chelsie and Caleb)

  40. You do not know me, we are friends of the Tonagals... however, your story has touched my life. Your courage, strength and ability to sustain the circumstances you have been given are inspiring. I ask that the Lord give you and your family the strength you need to endure. God bless you!

  41. Barb Heimlich2/02/2011 8:55 PM

    Ben, Sarah and family,
    We just found out today about Carter. You have been in our prayers all day. It is amazing how God has helped you through this time. I know I found comfort from your posts.
    Thinking of you tonight......Love, John and Barb Heimlich
