For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:13-14


Shout Out to the Mommas (And the Moms at Heart)

Sunday is soon approaching.

Some of us may be crossing our fingers, hoping that our spouses remember to assist the kiddos in doing "something" to make the day special. The rest of us may be hoping (for once!) just to get the family out the door on time for church and in one piece. (I admit that I am both of these.)

But from one momma to another, let me be one of the first to say: Happy Mother's Day.

And I would be remiss if I didn't say something special to we moms who have either lost babies or have yet to have the babies we desire (the moms-at-heart): May you find a deep joy and contentment this Mother's Day. I don't expect it to be an easy one for myself or for you as we may feel our loss more intensely than normal days, but I do have great faith in God's abundance. My hope is that each of us can cling to God's grace and comfort and seek after a life overflowing with God's grace this Sunday.

For the record, I also want to say that I feel so deeply blessed to be a mom to both Cohen and Carter. While my responsibility as a parent looks a little different for both of my boys, they have both brought me unspeakable joy.

God's blessings to all you mommas, moms-to-be, and moms-at-heart. You. Are. Special.


Any Greek Geeks?

I have to be the worst blogger ever. My friends are so good at blogging as they go throughout the week, but unless I get hit upside the head with something, I check out. I am really working to get better at this.

Just a quick question for my friends...if you are well-versed in either Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic, would you possible know how to translate Carter's intials (CBW) and Psalm 139 (just the reference) into those languages?

Ben and I are working on a project to help us memorialize and remember Carter's life and God's goodness, and we need these translations, if they are at all possible. But we don't want to trust our own internet research to get it right.

So, if you're a Greek or Hebrew guru (or you know someone who is), could you possibly send the translations our way?